A Visit From Shannon


It’s becoming traditional for me to post a photo or two of Shannon when she makes a trip to Utah to visit her ol’ dad, especially since her accident and resulting brain injury six years ago when we very nearly lost her. So at the risk of making Feathered Photography come across as a wannabe Facebook clone I decided to continue the tradition today.

After all, I get the impression that many of my readers have become emotionally invested to some degree in her progress and welfare so how could I not provide a pictorial update.


Cell phone photo. Colors are off

Shannon, on the left, and Tiffany have been the closest of friends since their high school days here in Utah over 30 years ago but since Shannon moved away they rarely get to see each other. So yesterday, on her way to work, Tiffany stopped by for a much anticipated visit. Tiffany is a delightful person and it did my heart good to hear the two of them gabbing away and laughing like the dear old friends that they are.

Yes, for these photos I removed the Black-billed Magpie photo that’s usually hanging above my fireplace. I’ve taken far too many photos of me and others wearing a “magpie hat”.



Cell phone photo. Colors are off

Shannon and her ol’ geezer dad. And yes, I wear white socks with my Birkenstocks. They work for me and I’ve never been known as a clothes horse anyway. Besides, I have a ‘reputation’ to live up to.

Shannon’s visit was brief (she flew home last night) but it was just what we both needed, especially during the holidays and after such a long, pandemic-enforced separation. We both hope we don’t have to wait so long for our next reunion.



Addendum: In a comment below a newbie to Feathered Photography has reminded me that some folks don’t know “Shannon’s story”. Here’s a link to an older post that fills in some of the blanks. And yes, in the photo in that post I’m wearing the infamous “magpie hat”. 




  1. Shannon is beautiful. So glad she is doing well and the two of you could spend time together.
    Merry Christmas.

  2. Mary Mayshark-Stavely

    So happy to hear and see how well she is! Beautiful photos! Thanks, Ron

  3. Great to see the two of you looking so good…especially your beautiful daughter…after worked at a children’s rehab. Hosp. It was so great to follow Shannon’s recovery and so concerning with her injury…the missing magpie photo is not so great…it is one if my favotites…

  4. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Looking down at my feet I realize I am wearing running socks with my birkenstocks – not a great look either, particularly with short pants.

  5. We are both showing some “wear”, however our kids keep us going. It has been some time since I’ve seen Shannon and am happy to see you and her together. She looks like she is doing well. Tell her Hello from BA and me.

  6. Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice to you Ron and the whole family.🎄😊

  7. (First, let me admit that initially I thought you ‘Shopped out the magpie pic! 😂)
    These are heartwarming pics, Ron, so happy for you and Shannon (and Tiffany) that you got to spend some much-needed time together, the best part of the holiday season. It’s almost hard to believe it’s *only* 6 years ago that you shared the news of her accident…seems like a lifetime ago! I’m glad you are all well past the trauma and able to enjoy each other’s company, even if too infrequently. ♥️

    • “initially I thought you ‘Shopped out the magpie pic”

      I’m surprised I didn’t think of it, Chris. Although I’m not sure how well it would ‘shop’ out. I might have to try it just to see what it looks like.

    • Yes, a happy winter solstice indeed, Ron to you and those you hold dear. Love the “Socks and Stocks” too and heartily endorse the combo.

  8. Holiday hugs all around! Shannon is beautiful!

  9. Seeing these pictures (even sans magpie) and knowing that you and Shannon had a chance to visit makes my heart happy. 💞 Also glad that Shannon and Tiffany got to catch up. I’m fortunate and grateful to have a few friends like that — no matter how long it’s been, we can pick up where we left off.

    You’ve cultivated a wonderful family here on FP — which is a tribute to you and the kind of people you attract — and family cares about family. And there is nothing wrong with “Socks and ‘Stocks!” 😉

  10. Merry Christmas, Ron and Shannon!

  11. Oh so nice that you shared these, papa Ron. Like the others I’m happy for you both…I’ve thought of Shannon, too. Seasons greetings.

  12. I can relate to how you feel after just being together with my adult children for the first time in two years….and we didn’t have the added dimension of the trauma that Shannon recovered from! You must be on cloud nine! So glad to see you with her.

  13. Shannon is a pretty women! I am happy you two were able to see each other. Now she lives closer you should drive down and see her. There are some good wildlife a birding spots around the area. We found great camping areas not far from the city too, if you want to take the trailer. My friend moved to Pahrump last year to be closer to her teaching job so I get to explore a new area this January.

    First thing I noticed in the photo before reading was the missing magpie.

    • “First thing I noticed in the photo before reading was the missing magpie”

      I figured that would be the case with a lot of my readers, April. Without that magpie the fireplace looks almost naked to me.

  14. Thanks for the updates on your daughter, and glad she could visit with you and her friend. As to the Christmas Decorations I have some sitting around year round. Of course women like the decorations more than men! Have a nice visit.

    • Trudy, my paternal grandfather, as an old single man, used to leave his up all year long. Not because he liked them all that much, but because it was too much work to take them down.

  15. You are right. We ARE emotionally invested in this story – which has the happy ending which we didn’t think would happen.
    LOVE those smiles – and hooray for comfort.

  16. A very heartwarming post, Ron. An early Christmas gift tor us all. Do me a favor, though. If Shannon visits this time next year put some Xmas decorations in the picture. Or get some Christmasy socks to go with the Birks. Again, I must be getting old: those “leggings” that Terri and Arwen refer to look like leotards to me.

  17. SO Happy for both of you, Ron!! I’m also glad Shannon got to see a dear friend. Wish you two got to see each other more often. We know how much you mean to each other,

  18. Even though we’ve never met I feel like we’re old friends. And now Shannon also😊
    A short but sweet and needed visit. Can’t wait to see my dad this weekend❤️
    P.S. I gave you a hard time about the white socks and burks last time… so I’ll leave you alone😆

  19. I’m so happy to read this post, not exactly sure why, other than the thought that maybe we are all one human family. Thanks for this share.

  20. Wonderful that you had such a nice time together. I’m glad your daughter is doing so well! Thanks for sharing and by the way, you both look great – even with the Birkies!!

  21. Thank you for sharing this heart warming, feel good photo and words.
    Take Care,

  22. A picture paints a thousand words….. thanks for sharing this one, Ron. Enjoy this precious time together!

  23. Nice photos Ron. You both look very comfortable and happy to be together. Comfort comes first. I wear sweats all winter long. Really neat that she could get together with her HS friend. Thanks for sharing these with all of us.

    PS: Did she notice the new floors?

    • “Did she notice the new floors?”

      She sure did! She loved them, the hardwood floors especially. Shannon has strong decorator skills so her enthusiastic approval meant a lot to me.

  24. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker

    I’m with Teri on leggings. And it’s always good to see news about Shannon. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Always great to catch up in-person ! Enjoy your time together !

  26. You are right about readers being emotionally invested. Thinking about Shannon’s injury still breaks my heart a little. I’m so glad you got a visit from her.

    You might look good in a magpie hat!

  27. Looks like a very happy Dad with his happy Daugther. I’m glad you and Shannon spent some quality time together Ron. White socks and Birkenstocks are a stylish combo that I also like to wear 😉

  28. I am glad you got to be with your daughter, it looks just like what you both needed, especially now. Since I am a newbie here, I don’t know Shannon’s story, so I will just say I am happy for you both.

  29. Cool! Shannon is looking good and SO glad she was able to visit and also catch up with and old friend! 🙂 Yes, some of us ARE emotionally invested in Shannon and her dad…… 😉 Thx for sharing her visit with us. 🙂

  30. So happy to see lovely Shannon with her old friend and her old Dad–“oldies”
    seem most often to be the “besties”–most of us improve with age, I think !

  31. Such a wonderful tradition and I’m happy for you both. I may not comment often, but I am, as you said, somewhat invested in these posts. As always, thanks for sharing!

  32. Thx for sharing photos! I’m a leggings-gal myself so when I see a woman wearing leggings, I know she prioritizes comfort over fashion 🙂 Looks like she learned that from her papa . . .

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