Solar And Avian Serendipity In A Freezing Landscape

I rarely get lucky twice in the same photo.

After something like ten days of stormy weather that dumped over a foot of snow in many of our valleys and brought the snowpack in our nearby mountains to 148% of normal for this time of year, yesterday’s forecast was for “sunny” statewide. So early yesterday morning, after being stuck at home for so long by gloomy weather, I made the very long drive in the predawn darkness to one of my favorite remote birding locations.

So you can imagine my disappointment when I arrived at my destination just before sunrise to discover that that area was socked in with dense clouds and lake fog when it was clear everywhere else. I spent nearly three hours touring the area anyway and found quite a few birds but because of dim, flat light I didn’t get a single traditional bird photo I was particularly proud of.

But precisely at sunrise I did experience about 30 seconds of magic.



1/320, f/8, ISO 500, Canon R5, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc

As I slowly drove down the remote road with my tail between my legs and a grumpy disposition, this happened.

A narrow sliver of the rising sun peeked out between the mountains and lake fog below it and the dense clouds above, creating some truly spectacular color in the freezing (12° F.) landscape. I knew it wouldn’t last long but I took a chance and used some precious seconds to drive my pickup to a position that would place this remote ranch house directly below the sun.

It was an almost impossible exposure to get ‘right’ because of the very high contrast between the incredibly bright sun and the ranch house that was still almost in the dark. But I did the best I could in the few seconds I had.

And then I got lucky again.


When I pulled my pickup into this position it just so happened that there was a small pond right next to the road on my left. There were about a dozen Canada Geese on the pond that flew off to the east when my pickup flushed them, so for a few moments I considered the very remote possibility that they might fly near the sun and allow me to include them in some of my photos.

I watched them for a few seconds but when they veered too far to the north and away from the sun I turned my attention back to the colorful solar display and took about a dozen photos as I fumbled around with my camera settings in an attempt to get at least one photo that had an acceptable exposure.

While looking at the sun through my viewfinder I had no idea where the geese were. By then I didn’t much care. I had other priorities.



1/320, f/8, ISO 500, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc

But suddenly, there they were, at the top of my viewfinder.

I had barely enough room in the frame to include the geese and the ranch house but I got four photos where I think the composition worked out reasonably well (although I do wish I had more room at the top of the frame. I might even consider adding canvas up there.) While I was processing these photos my instinct was to increase the exposure a little more because as they are I think they might be a little too dark. But when I did so it caused even more color banding around the sun, so I didn’t. Besides, this is pretty darn close to what the scene really looked like.

I don’t know squat about landscape photography so I’m not very confident about my composition (centered) or in the way I’ve processed the images.

But I’ll tell you what. Whether the photos are any good or not, I’ll never forget those few magical moments when that portion of the sky lit up so dramatically and colorfully for just a few seconds. And then the geese flew over the sun.




  1. When serendipity meets a prepared professional photographer, magic happens.

    Thank you for sharing a special image, Ron, but I know the most significant thing about this occurrence is – a memory.

    All the best during this holiday time.

  2. Cindy Intravartolo


    I think those images would make a great Christmas card!

  3. I have viewed these photos several times today and still cannot find the words, so I will just say Thank You!

  4. Not only great photography but also great storytelling. You had me convinced that you didn’t get any birds in your photos but then I scrolled down to find that stunning shot. I think the composition works beautifully and I definitely wouldn’t add canvas at the top. The sun is on the upper third which is great and the heaviness of the birds on the left offset the centeredness of the sun and house. This is really spectacular. You deserve a stellar shot like this given all your work over the years.

  5. It’s beautiful Ron. It all came together, and now you have this moment to keep and share. In the midst of all the crazy that is going on in this world, your short story and the photo has brought a moment of the peace on Earth we all look for in this time of year.

    Thank you.

  6. absolutely positively stunning!

  7. Wild geese that fly with the sun(rise) on their wings~
    These are a few of my favorite things~

    Thank you for sharing this phenomenal sunrise with us. It looks like a sun pillar about to form.
    What a sight to behold! The deep red hues, the giant sun hanging over the snow capped house still cloaked in blue shadows, the geese flying by as if to say “Good morning!” 😀

    • Amy, your comment made me look up the lyrics of the song to check out the precise words.

      “Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings”

      • Yes. I always loved the imagery in “My Favorite Things” though I’ve yet to see “Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings” captured in a photograph!

        This beautiful shot you took brought the song to mind.
        I was debating decide between “sun” or “dawn” to fit the lyrics to the photo.
        (If you’ve got the song stuck in your head now…you’re welcome :P)

  8. Sometimes, occasionally, one is rewarded simply for being out and putting in the time and work. You deserve a break now and then for all the time you put in. So happy you were there to observe and record this beautiful scene – nice photos!

  9. Splendid desolate lonesome image! Evokes speculation and curiosity about residents and their history. I’m reminded of your Montana, Dudley family ranch. Obliged that you have shared some of that. Could be fascinating to know about this stunning remote place. No livestock, power poles, Aeromotor windmill, vehicles. Ranchers may already be where the geese are heading. Merry Christmas Ron.

  10. Stunning!

  11. This beautiful image, evoking quietude, is especially worthy of contemplation many times over. It happened in part because you sat in your truck, in the icy cold waiting.

  12. Sometimes those 30 seconds of magic are the ones that are indelibly etched in our memory banks. May they be in yours. And thank you for sharing them with us.

  13. Magnificent! You certainly skunked Ol’ Murph with these shots, Ron. For someone who “doesn’t do landscape photography,” you nailed it! Wall-worthy, for sure.

    The color banding in the first shot is a plus for me, as it brings my eye down to the house. There is definitely something about this shot — the house looks almost forlorn — that tugs on the ol’ heartstrings (and tear ducts).

  14. Simply GLORIOUS!

  15. These photos are beautiful and magical. They brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart.
    Thank you and Take Care,

  16. Wow is right! You have taken a wonderful photo of your area. Love the colors and the Geese just add too it. Would look nice in a card set. Maybe Christmas or blank. For a “Birder” you do good with any picture taken. Merry Christmas to you and all your followers. Enjoy anything in Nature.

  17. A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y gorgeous. Serendipity showing her very best and most beautiful side.

  18. These are stunning! Yes I figured there would be fog and I did not go out yesterday or this morning. Yesterday afternoon the light was gorgeous but it was not very birdy.

  19. Add this to your “Just A Shot I Like” list!!! Beautiful!

  20. Amazing probability, opportunity and skill combined! Lovely.

  21. Just Awesome….
    & A “Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays” to YOU & ALL of Your’s.

  22. These photos absolutely capture the wonderful ephemeral beauty of nature. I am sure you won’t forget those few magical moments

  23. I think both photos are great but the second d one is super great. And yes, the “magic” of the moment is well conveyed. Better yet, now that you know the house and sun are in alignment at this time of year and that there is a pond where birds congregate you can plan more drivebys in the event that you feel compelled to “fiddle” with more settings. But honestly, I doubt that anyone could improve on the mood of this lovely shot.

  24. Preparation meeting opportunity. Excellent!

  25. Well Ron, that’s probably one of the prettiest pics that I’ve seen this year!

    Congrats on taking such a wonderful pic.

    Definitely worthy of hanging on the wall…I’m sure that you’ll get many requests for the creation of wall hangings of such a pretty pic with such a unique composition.


  26. Magic! What a gift!

  27. The stars aligned for you Ron (well, in this case just the one ⭐️) and you were waiting right there to seize the moment. Beautiful shots!

  28. WOW! Glorious sunrise with the house a geese! 🙂 They are SO fleeting. Glad it all came together. 🙂 Made the trip worth it!

    Know my cell phone won’t do high contrast situations like that and tricky with the Nikon at best.;)

    -4 with who knows windchill this morning – going to still around most of the week too…… 🙁

    • Judy, I think high contrast photos like these are pretty tough for most any camera. As it is there’s some color banding, especially in the first photo.

  29. Deedee (Edith) OBrien

    Fantastic !

  30. The atmosphere, both literally and figuratively, that these photos convey is very moving and…timeless.

  31. Merry Birdmas and the happiest winter solstice. May all your photos be as tacks, and may all the nests be full.

  32. Amazing! I wonder if the geese were appreciating the view as well. Actually I have no doubt that they were.

  33. Outstanding photography Ron. A huge difference between your serendipity and a photographer being out there all set up in the early am completely prepared to take a sunrise photo over that ranch house. No one seeing this photo would imagine you just seeing this and pulling off the road to get a shot at it. Super job, and then a real bonus to actually have the geese fly by as you had hoped for. Now if only they had flown directly across the sun, but maybe that would be really stretching serendipity.
    Love it.

  34. Lucky ? Serenditipity ? Maybe– but you definitely have the chops to take
    full advantage of the opportunity—-I’m so thrilled for you ! A once in a lifetime
    possibility, and boy– DID YOU EVER CAPTURE IT ! and what a treat for all
    of your posse to enjoy !

  35. Two beautiful and stirring pictures Ron – thanks. Luck? Maybe, but also preparation and perseverance.

  36. Breathtaking, Ron. Both photos are simply amazing. The photo of the farmhouse and sun alone is wonderful. The geese made the scene the shot of a lifetime. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for braving the capture these stunning scenes. Perhaps a print or two for the farmhouse owner is in order.

    • Thanks very much, Melanie. I’m not sure but I’ve wondered if that ranch house isn’t abandoned. Maybe in summer there’s more activity there – can’t remember. It’s quite a distance from the road so I haven’t paid much attention to it.

  37. Wow!!! Absolutely beautiful.

  38. Absolutely stunning Ron.

  39. I remember that house, but I don’t remember ever seeing anything like that sunrise. It’s marvelous. As for the geese, I’m grinning. They’re a perfect example of ‘lagniappe.’

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