The New ABA Bird Of The Year – The Burrowing Owl

As of two days ago the Burrowing Owl is the American Birding Association’s Bird of the Year for 2022.

The ABA chooses a species to be Bird of the Year based on the following criteria:

‘We aren’t seeking the rarest, most endangered, or most sought after species, nor do we seek overexposed “greeting card” birds. We aim to pick species that are charismatic and accessible enough to be spark birds, but that also remain favorites for those who have been into birding for years. On top of that, we want a conservation story to tell.”

The Burrowing Owl has been described as “arguably the world’s most charismatic bird species” and they’re definitely a conservation story so it seems to me that the ABA has made an excellent choice.


I first learned of the pick almost immediately after it was made on December 19 when one of my Facebook followers posted a link to my blog post featuring a photo of these young Burrowing Owl siblings and used it to announce the ABA’s decision to her FB followers. It was news to me too.

Followers of Feathered Photography have seen this photo before (more than once) but how could I not use it again in a post honoring Burrowing Owls? In fact, at one point or another I’ve posted all five of these photos in the past but I figure that several of them will be new to many, if not most, of my readers. And some folks won’t have seen any of them.



Burrowing Owls as a species are charismatic and loveable but those traits are exaggerated in the juveniles. All of the owls in these photos are juvies.



Another of my most popular Burrowing Owl photos. Who doesn’t love a curious, parallaxing juvie standing on one foot?



This youngster always reminds me of those videos we see of goofy cops directing traffic. Another reason this shot is close to my heart is that this bird is obviously a left-winger (I give my friend Jim DeWitt credit for that line).

So, congratulations to the Burrowing Owl and to the ABA for a superb choice for Bird of the Year.



The end.



PS – Happy winter solstice!



  1. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker

    The one-footed, head-twisting, yoga owl always gets me. I tried that and fell on my … ahem!

  2. What great pictures of these wonderful little owls! I was an 18 year volunteer at Wild at Heart, here in Cave Creek Az, (until my back got too bad) and had the privilege of working with many of them from out of the egg babies, to adults. WAH has had a long time, very successful program of capturing Burrowing Owls, and building habitats for them to be released to, when their current homes are going to be destroyed by construction. Thanks for these!

  3. Happy Solstice and Happy Holidays to all the birds and all their admirers. Thanks so much for your series, Ron.

  4. Perfect series to celebrate such a delightful BotY! Love each and every shot!

  5. Don’t worry about me. I was reminded (again) just how lucky I am on so many levels. And hope I was able to relieve some other people’s pain through supporting our counsellors.

  6. I love all of these! I hope you are out photographing without fog. I didn’t make it out, I forgot Eric had an appointment and needed the car. Maybe an afternoon trip?

  7. A truly superb choice. And a superb illustration on just why it is a superb choice. Last night was long and challenging. These heart melting little charmers are a wonderful antidote.

  8. Have seen them all, have loved them all, could never tire of any of them! Congrats to a deserving little raptor for winning big with ABA. And thanks for sharing the news so eloquently yet comically. (Big Yawn is my fav, followed closely by Traffic Cop/Maestro.)

    Happy Winter Solstice to you, Mr. D, and to all your feathered friends and fans! 😎

  9. Fun and cute pictures once again from you. Many look to the winter solstice as the first day of winter. I am not much of a winter person, so to me it means the starting of longer days and spring in on its way. lol Some times it takes forever to show up. Many cold winter storms the next few months. Keep up your search for the perfect shots. Merry Christmas

    • I try to look at winter in a way similar to your method, Trudy. Otherwise winter can become overwhelming. Around here one saving grace of winter is that we usually have more raptors to photograph then.

  10. I’m sitting here half a sleep, coffee in hand and a big smile on my face😊
    I love their criteria for picking a bird of the year. And your pictures are proof they made the right choice. Looking forward to checking out the link you shared later.
    Winter is definitely here with feets of snow in the Sierras and a lot rain coming here in the Sacramento valley starting tonight thru the weekend. YAY❗️

  11. If nothing else, the ABA choosing this as bird of the year provides us with another reminder of what an exceptional photographer you are. Googling through the endless photos of Burrowing Owls I can find none so captivating as yours. This post brings an extra measure of light to the shortest day of the year.

  12. What a great post. I’ve only seen them a few times and never juvies! I laughed out loud at the ending! I don’t reply often, but I love your posts! Thanks

  13. Thank you so much. I am new and have not seen any of these; what a wonderful solstice treat!

  14. Burrowing Owls are so cute and entertaining. You have truly captured their essence with your amazing photos. The last one made me laugh out loud! Congrats to you for these wonderful pics. I bet they were even more fun to take than to share with us. And, hat tip to the ABA for recognizing the Burrowing Owl as Species of the Year!

  15. What an OUTSTANDING series ! Who could fail to love them ? I know that
    I’ve once here made mention of the wonderful book for young people, “Hoot”,
    by Carl Hiassen , about the mission of a group of kids in Florida to save the
    habitat of their beloved burrowing owls from destruction and being turned
    into a chain restaurant……it’s a great gift for any kids your posse members might want to enlist to inspire and empower…. grandchildren ? young friends ?
    Thanks to you for this morning’s endearing offering…it inspired ME !

  16. Absolutely delightful Ron! Thanks for sharing these little darlings. I’m planning a cross-Canada road trip for next summer and burrowing owls in the prairies are at the top of my bird list and would be a lifer for me.

    • I wish you luck on your trip, Sheila. And you may need it to find Burrowing Owls in Canada. I’ve read that Canada has had a severe loss of Burrowing Owls in recent years. Last I heard they don’t know why for sure.

  17. Truly remarkable photos Ron. Don’t think we could ever tire of seeing them. That first one I think it my all-time favorite. Congratulations to the Borrowing Owls for receiving this much deserved recognition. We don’t have them here so your photos more than make up for their absence.

  18. Fabulous! Thanks, Ron, for a years worth of bird photos and facts and, especially today, smiles.

  19. A wonderful choice. Long may they live .

    A Happy Winter Solstice to you. One of my favorite days of the year.

    Take Care,

  20. Your shots leave absolutely no doubt they picked the right species. The only exception is that BOs make wonderful greeting cards. Thanks as always for brightening my day Ron!

    • “The only exception is that BOs make wonderful greeting cards.”

      That’s right, Burrdoo. In fact I got a greeting card order a couple of years ago that used one of the photos that I posted today.

  21. COOL! A well deserving winner! 🙂 They are SO much fun, particularly the juveniles. Luv this series – “the end” is great 🙂

    Happy Winter Solstice to you also – civil temp this morning (31 with wind to come). Around zero for X-Mas tho.

  22. Much disagreement at home about which is our favorite – the yawn? The bottom? The traffic cop perching on one leg with the feathers in front of the eyes? Conclusion – no need to pick. Hoorah for owls.

  23. Mary Mayshark-Stavely

    Wonderful photos that brought an early morning smile! Thank you Ron and best wishes,

  24. Now that was awesome! Loved it! I am an owl person anyway! Favorite is snowy!

  25. Cute post 🙂 Thx for showcasing this juvie owl.

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