Short-eared Owl Hunting A Brush Pile

Occasionally I see Short-eared Owls hunting from the ground but it’s nearly always from a distance. This guy didn’t care that I was close. Very close, especially for a SEOW.


1/500, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

I found him, a male I believe, near the Montana/Idaho border in early June several years ago. I think he felt safe with me so close because it was early morning and he was still in deep shadows cast by low mountains to the east. I was close enough to seriously consider removing my teleconverter for flight shots in case he took off but in the poor light I didn’t have enough shutter speed for action photos so I left it on.

That brush pile in front of him was another thing that made him ‘sticky’. He must have heard a vole or other prey in there because he was intently interested in it, almost to the point of obsession.



1/500, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

He gave me direct eye contact for only a moment, I’m sure to confirm that I was no threat.



1/400, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

And then he continued to scrutinize the brush pile. Eventually he gave up and flew a short distance before landing and continuing to hunt from the ground.


As I’ve admitted many times I’m a dedicated creature of habit so yesterday morning and for much of the rest of the day I felt like the proverbial fish out of water without posting to Feathered Photography. My primary birding lens is scheduled to be delivered to the Canon Factory Service Center in Costa Mesa, CA sometime tomorrow so soon after that I should know how long repairs will take, how much it will cost and when I’ll get it back. .

In the meantime my posts to Feathered Photography will likely be intermittent.

Happy Easter to each and every one of my blog followers.




  1. Happy Easter Ron and to fellow blog followers. 😄

  2. Five stars, Ron! Thank you!

  3. Essence of Owls….👍pc

  4. Whoever wrote “Betty Davis Eyes” apparently hadn’t seen or couldn’t appreciate Owl’s eyes. Now those are some irresistible peepers. And the poses you captured couldn’t be more enchanting.

  5. You weren’t the only one suffering separation anxiety yesterday. Huge thanks for the SEO. A truly, beautiful bird. However I am an owl tragic (orstrayan slang for those who are obsessed with something) so any owl is fine by me.

  6. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker

    Gorgeous bird. I love how intense the gaze is!

  7. Happy Easter, don’t eat too much chocolate!

    • Ha, there’s no such thing!

      Some folks gorge them selves on Peeps but I can’t stomach those disgusting things. I’ll take chocolate any ol’ day.

  8. Ron,

    Happy Easter!


  9. sallie reynolds

    Spectacular photos of a spectacular bird. Would you share what clues give you the identity as male?

    • Sallie, females are larger and tend to be darker in color than males but there’s some overlap in color so that’s not 100% reliable. Also, this was during nesting season so most likely the female was at the nest with chicks or eggs while the male hunted for his family.

      So I THINK this bird is a male but I’m not sure of it.

  10. What a wonderful series of shots. He definitely seems interested in something in that pile of brush. I have to thank you for enticing me into liking SEOWs almost as much as you do!

    I’m also imagining him asking you for, “A little help here?” in the 2nd shot — especially with that 3rd shot of him peering into the brush pile.

    • Marty, converting folks into liking SEOW’s is usually an easy task, especially if you start out with photos of their youngsters. Thank you.

  11. Happy Spring to you ! I’m hoping that with your refurbished lens on the horizon, green reappearing, and so many newly vaccinated that it will feel like a TRUE
    New Year ( I don’t sign on to that Jan. 1st stuff )–for me a “new year” means
    baby animals of all kinds, trees “furry” with buds, and mountainsides soft
    with velvety new growth……. the owl is just magnificent; a wonderful sight to
    greet the new day—thank you !

  12. Everett F Sanborn

    Happy Easter to you Ron, and to all your Feathered followers. Very nice post this morning. Those Owls are beautiful and so are your photos. Envious because I have never seen one.
    Back in my Orange County days I have drive by the Canon facility there and hope as soon as the holiday is over they will be working hard and fast to return your camera.

    • Thanks, Everett. I’m afraid it’s been a while since I’ve seen one too. A couple of days ago I looked for them in an area where they’ve been common in springtime in the past but didn’t see any.

  13. Beautiful photos! The one where he’s looking right at us is so intense.
    Here’s hopingyou get your primary lens back soon!!

  14. The SEO is a beauty! Of course, I’m partial to owls. 😉 Missed the post yesterday and reminded myself that with your lens “gone” you might not post and that probably nothing amiss………. I’m also a creature of habit and…..😇 Happy Easter Ron.

    • Judy, I try to remind myself that another way to express “creature of habit” is to call it being “stuck in a rut” but when I try to be more flexible I’m often uncomfortable with the change. I think it’s in my genes…

  15. Love the photos! Those eyes draw you in. I rea;;y ;ole the last photo…there is a hint of curiosity and vulnerability…and the out-stretched ‘toes’ just adds the right touch for me. 😍 It is strange to find green in a photo of a SEO for me. We only have them here in very late fall and winter…they are departing now for their summer grounds. Two years ago I did catch one in a field of freshly cut alfalfa in late September. Surprise-surprise! The only reason I stopped is I recognized the outline as being a SEO but didn’t truly believe it. Fortunately I was rewarded. Happy Easter to all. Hope everyone has a safe holiday. Fortunately all my children have had the vaccines so it will be out first family gathering in this craziness began. What a blessing!

  16. He is a magnificent owl. He looked right into your soul and liked what he saw so he was able to stay a while and hunt.
    Thanks for the Easter blessing.

    I hope you have a wonderful day.

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