Great Egret Banking In Flight

Plus a champion of raptors and a mentor to thousands of raptor-lovers could use our help.


1/8000, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

Four days ago while I was photographing Snowy Egrets at Farmington Bay WMA this Great Egret unexpectedly flew by. I didn’t have time to adjust camera settings so I just raised my lens and fired off a few grab shots. This is my favorite of the bunch because I just happened to catch it in a quick banking maneuver so we have a good look at the right wing and the left wing is oblique to the sun which provided some interesting light, shadows and detail there.



Here’s an alternative vertical crop if you prefer.

I realize it’s only a white bird in flight against a pale blue sky but it’s probably my best shot so far of a Great Egret in flight so I decided to post it. I think some puffy white clouds in the background would have improved the image but so far at least I haven’t figured out how to make that happen without cheating with Photoshop.

That’s just not gonna happen so it is what it is.



On an unrelated but very important note:

Have you ever had a series of unexpected, unpleasant and unrelated events happen so suddenly that your mind was completely discombobulated as it jumped back and forth between them as you tried to digest it all? That was my situation on June 19, 2016.

It was early Sunday morning and Mia and I had just rescued Galileo (Short-eared Owl) off of barbed wire in extreme northern Utah. Galileo had been badly injured on the wire and we were desperate to know our best course of action to try to save the owl while we were so far from home. We tried calling WRCNU (Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah in Ogden) but it was Sunday and Father’s Day and they weren’t answering their phone so as I drove toward Salt Lake City Mia called our friend Jerry Liguori for advice. Many of my readers know of Jerry – he’s a world-renowned authority on North American raptors, the author of several excellent books on the subject, he lives locally and at the time he was working for HawkWatch International so he seemed like our best resource at the moment.

It was during that phone call that we learned from Jerry that he had just been diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease). That 90 minute drive back to Salt Lake City was (and remains) a jumble in my mind as I tried to process the devastating news from Jerry while we had an injured and sometimes struggling owl inside my pickup with us. 

ALS is among the cruelest of diagnoses. Jerry’s medical costs have added up as his disease has progressed and insurance won’t cover some of his basic needs such as a breathing machine, an electric wheelchair and a full-time nurse so Jerry and Sherry Liguori could use some help. Friends have set up a GoFundMe page to help with expenses so please contribute if you can, even just a little.

Here’s the link to the Jerry Liguori Fundraiser.

The timing may not be good for you to donate and it goes without saying that none of us can contribute to all of the worthy causes that have touched our hearts. I understand that completely. My own contribution was small and I know Jerry personally. But even if only a few of us can donate it will help. If the timing isn’t good for you to contribute I still wanted to bring my readers up to date regarding Jerry’s situation.



This is a photocopy of the cover of my copy of one of Jerry’s books. It’s always sitting in the bookshelf right in front of me as I compose my blog posts and I refer to it often when I’m writing about raptors. I know that some of my readers have copies of this book or others written by Jerry.

Feathered Photography owes a lot to Jerry Liguori.





  1. Beautiful picture, beautiful bird. I also like the vertical crop best. I occasionally see a great egret, but we have so many great blue herons hereabouts that an egret never stays long.

    The vagaries of insurance in this country are infuriating. Will do what I can to help.

  2. Nothing wrong with a gorgeous white bird against a blue sky! 🙂 I like the way the Egret fills the frame in the vertical crop.

    So sorry to learn that in addition to everything, Jerry is having to fight his insurance company. I’ll do what I can — thanks for letting us know.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about Jerry. I had a friend that I grew up with that had that disease as well. Sad..
    Love your picture of the Egret. They have such beautiful eyes.

  4. Thank you for not “artistically improving” your wonderful photograph with distracting clouds. (Of course, if you had and hadn’t told us, I’d never have known.)

    Wonderful textures visible under that left wing. In-flight or perched, the Great Egret is – well – great to behold!

    This is devastating news about Jerry. Throughout all of his work, whether a book, blog post or thoughtful email – his passion for raptors has always been evident. We will do what we can.

  5. ALS is a truly sucky disease. I was glad to make a small donation, and wish it could have been more.
    Shame about those puffy clouds – and thank you for not inserting them.

  6. Ron, I prefer the vertical version because it really shows off that massive wing span.

    As for your friend Jerry, I am so sorry for his condition. I know nothing about it but from what you and your readers are saying, it is just awful.

    Thank you for the post, Ron

  7. I like the first photo crop of the egret, lovely light on the bird!

    I was saddened when you told me about Jerry awhile ago, such a horrible disease. I don’t know him personally but I know of his work. Insurance is a bitch too, you pay your premiums in good faith then when you need life sustaining meds or procedure they don’t cover it leaving you to choose between life sustaining help or not paying for home, food or utilities. Thank you for posting the link to the fundraiser. I will donate today!

    • April, it’s very hard not to be angry with insurance companies. It seems like they try to wiggle out of their responsibilities every chance they get. Thank you.

  8. I have a sick husband and ever-shrinking means, but Liguori’s work has been vital to me and I will give what I can.

  9. “It’s only a white bird…”. Well, it’s always that or just a Wilson’s Snipe or a Great Blue Heron or some other wonderful creature that you have shared with us. It’s only your images and only your stories that I look forward to every day.
    I am so sorry to hear about Jerry Liguori. I have “Hawks From Every Angle” and “Hawks At A Distance”. Both very useful references. Your followers will recognize and appreciate his section on ethics in the second book. A donation is on its way.

  10. Beautiful Egret! 🙂 Vertical crop works better for me in this case.. 😉 ALS is a horrible disease that I wouldn’t wish on anyone…… 🙁 Anything that eats you in pieces is horrifying especially when there is no cure and little to be done not to mention insurance not being much help……. 🙁 34 blow/rain/wet snow – nothing obscene yet……

  11. I am very sorry to hear that Jerry is suffering from ALS. I have two of Jerry’s books on my shelf and have always enjoyed their beauty and usefulness.
    I lost a very good friend to this disease many years ago. My friend was also enamored of raptors and all things wild. I will forever remember our times together in the wilderness of the Northern California mountains.

  12. Beautiful Egret in flight photo Ron, and glad you did not Photoshop in some puffy clouds. 🙂 I’ve only been a Feathered follower for less than two years, but I think I remember you posting something or mentioning Jerry Liquori before. I have known several men and women who have left us due to ALS, and also have a couple friends who have lost their children to ALS. I remember my long time friend Kitty telling me that their only communication with their son at the end was his ability to blink an eye to let them know he could hear and understand what they were saying. A very cruel disease for sure.

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