A Hiatus From Birds… Shannon’s Here!

For me few things supersede birds and my blogging but a visit from my daughter Shannon is one of them so this will likely be a short post.


She arrived yesterday for a short visit. I’ve only seen her a few times since her fall and resulting traumatic brain injury (TBI) almost four years ago so we’ve been reminiscing, looking at old family photos, basking in each others company and enjoying good food. Beer-butt chicken and garden tomatoes were included on last night’s menu. She loves garden tomatoes so much I accused her of visiting me only to feast on them…

It’s been a long and very difficult road to recovery since her accident but thankfully she’s doing extremely well, much better than expected. ER doctors predicted she wouldn’t survive that first night in the hospital but at this point her only recurring issues are with some of her short term memory and loss of some peripheral vision in her left eye. Otherwise I have my daughter back and I’m very grateful.



Ahhh, and she even loves her dad. What more could I ask for.

Since her accident Shannon doesn’t enjoy time spent on the computer so she’d never seen my blog posts about her accident until last night when we went through some of them together. Reading the comments you all made back then was an emotional experience for us both. She was amazed that so many people from all over the country (and the world, really) could be so kind regarding the misfortunes of someone they don’t even know.

Thank you for that, from both of us.

Back to birds tomorrow.




  • Some readers new to my blog may be interested in more details about Shannon’s accident and recovery. If so they can be found here.
  • If you tried to access my blog last night and couldn’t get it to load it was because of server issues. I was happy to see everything up and running when I got up this morning.




  1. We are very lucky men, to have such great children grow up to be fine adults. Who would have thought; when we were growing up in CB, what the future had in store for us. Loved Shannon’s visit here in the Flathead this summer.
    BA says “Hello”.

    • You’re right, Dennis – we certainly are. While she was here I showed Shannon a photo of you and BA taken back in the old days. She got a kick out of it.

  2. What a beautiful young woman and so encouraging a story. I liked that warm smile from you in the second photo.
    If tomatoes bring our children back more frequently, we just need to plant bigger gardens 🙂

  3. You sure have one Very,Very Beautiful daughter!!! (She’s even prettier than You!!!) I LOVE the happy ending to her story…if not perfect, it’s pretty daggone good!!! GALILEO’S, too!!! Both make me hsppy….

  4. Jean Hickok-Haley

    Wonderful. Love the 2nd pic. Super sweet.

  5. Squash and tomatoes on the vine and your daughter by your side. Life is good!

  6. Thank you for all of the kind comments, everyone. Both of us appreciate them very much.

  7. Have a wonderful, wonderful time together. Love her taste – garden tomatoes and you are both wonderful.

  8. Loved the update! So happy to hear Shannon is defying the odds, and that you’re getting to spend time together <3

  9. Enjoy your time together, we can wait for birds! She is a beautiful woman!

  10. AWESOME, Ron!! So happy for the two of you to have this time together & go down memory lane!! I can remember when it happened & possibly losing Shannon was the only thing that got you on a plane!! God bless you both!!

  11. Ron thanks. I was wondering about her
    And. You look good as well. Probably some time away from the heavy camera
    is good for your back. Diana

  12. Charlotte Norton

    This post is glorious! How wonderful! Shannon looks terrific! So glad she is doing so well. This one brings tears to my eyes!


  13. I see BLTs on today’s luncheon menu! 😋 So very glad you two get to spend some time together. I cheered out loud at your blog title. Woo Hoo!!! That second shot deserves a crop and frame — DEFINITELY wall-worthy! ❤️

    And I’m glad I’m not the only one who calls it “beer butt chicken.”

    • A second (third and eighth) look at these shots and I finally noticed the tomatoes in the background — you big tease. 😉

  14. It seems those four years have just flown by, but I’m sure it’s been an eternity for you all to get from that day to this. Very sweet pictures, so happy for you both to have this time together. ❤️

  15. So happy for you and your daughter. We received a phone call from Australia 20 years ago telling us our son, who was there to try and qualify for their pro golf tour, had been in an accident and was in the hospital and was not expected to live through the night. He had a severe TBI, and did survive and is able to live on his own. So, so happy for you and your daughter. And I love your posts. I rarley comment, but couldn’t help myself today.

    • Wonderful news about your son — so glad he made such a good recovery! Hugs all the way around. ❤️

  16. Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment of such joy. It brings much pleasure as I sit here in the hospital getting my last day of chemo and is a reminder of how important family is. I’m sure a large part of her recovery is due to your love and that of the rest of her family. We all love birds but this time with family is more important and thanks for taking the time to share it with us.

  17. Tearing up reading this and seeing the lovely photos. I’ve thought of Shannon many times over the years, always hoping her progress is continuing. Thanks for posting. I bet she’s there for more than the tomatoes, though who wouldn’t travel across the country for that? We’ve managed to harvest 5 cherry tomatoes so far this season; we’re really late because of the cool late spring/early summer.

  18. Great to see you both happy!

  19. Wonderful post. Brought tears to my eyes. Cherish your time together.

  20. Excellent post, Ron. You can see the joy in both of your faces. I am happy for your and Shannon to have this time together!

  21. Arwen, the Professional Joy Seeker

    Shannon is a beauty, professor. I don’t blame her for being after your tomatoes! MMMM Mozzarella, Basil, Tomato and Balsamic vinegar are one of my favorite summer treats.

  22. Shannon is so beautiful! I can only imagine how moving it was for you and Shannon to read together your posts and the loving concerns from those of us who read your blog. Your love and concern for her always came through. I for one, always watched your blog for updates on Shannon’s progress. Sending prayers, love and blessings to you both.

  23. I’ve been wondering lately how Shannon is doing, and I’m delighted to have such a positive update. Enjoy every precious second.

  24. That second photo warmed my heart better than the best bird photo ever could ! I’m so happy to see such genuine affection ……….

  25. Thank you for sharing this Ron…..family is everything.
    Smiles are contagious, and you put one on my silly face. 🙂


  26. Have a wonderful visit with Shannon! I hope she is back to 100%.

  27. So pleased that Shannon is able to be with you at this time. There is nothing better than the love of good friends and family. 🙂

    • Thanks again, Ron, for another wonderful start to my day! So happy that you and Shannon are able to spend time together this week. Enjoy every moment!

  28. As much as we like our feathered friends, they are always trumped by children and grand children ……..have a great time with your daughter Ron.

  29. YES! Any time you can spend with Shannon/family IS a MUST! 🙂 Can sure see you in her….. 😉 Enjoy the tomatoes/company reminiscing..! Her recovery is still nothing short of amazing to me. 🙂

  30. Beautiful post, Ron. I hope you and she cherish every moment and garden tomato together.

  31. Enjoy your time to the fullest with your beautiful daughter!

  32. Family is the meaningful event in life! We send you both our love, it is a wonderful recovery. Reminisce the heck out of your time together!

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