A Classy Short-eared Owl

For me this photo is just different enough to stand out in a good way.


1/1250, f/6.3, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

I photographed this handsome owl almost exactly three years ago, on April 3, 2016. The light was low and diffused so there are no shadows to speak of in the entire image.

It’s funny how a particular image can grab an individual viewer when it might be fairly run-of-the mill for others but this one instantly speaks to me of quality. The owl is sharp with plenty of detail, the perch is weathered and rustic and the background is clean but the tumbleweeds blown up against the fence provide visual interest and authenticity. In this situation I prefer the pensive gaze of the owl looking to my left rather than having direct eye contact. And the more than casual viewer might notice that the perch is split, allowing us to see background through the opening.

But for me the almost silvery color of the background is the clincher. I rarely see that color in the natural backgrounds of my photos and I think it provides a classy look to the image.

I’ve yet to photograph a Short-eared Owl this season so I hope posting this bird gives me luck rather than jinxing me.





  1. That really IS a classy SEOW!

  2. Love the bright white rim around the facial disc — noticed that right off. Such a wonderful, serene shot. Happy sigh…

    • I noticed that white rim too Marty, but for a different reason. Those are the whitest whites in the image and I had to be careful during processing that they didn’t get blown out. Thank you.

  3. One of your best, Ron! Simply elegant. What a joy! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Very,very classy. The classy background is entirely appropriate for the beautiful bird. I love that post too.

  5. Charlotte Norton

    It’s wonderful Ron!

  6. Beautiful coloring. I have seen a couple of SEO but all at a distance.

  7. Gorgeous bird. Nicely framed. 🙂

  8. NICE1

  9. Betty Sturdevant

    Portrait is the perfect description. I don’t believe it could have been set up this perfectly. It is as beautiful rendition ans even more so because it is natural. You have quite an artistic eye. Everything in the picture speaks to the subject.

    • “You have quite an artistic eye”

      Betty, if that statement is even marginally true I’ve come a ways in that regard and it’s been largely due to my readers. I didn’t used to have an artistic bone in my body.

  10. To me, a well-contrasted monochromatic color-scheme is “elegant” and I think of elegant and “classy” as practically synonymous–perfectly descriptive of this image !
    A color scheme like this allows one strong center of interest ( like the sharp golden eye) to have extra power– I love it, too !

  11. Such a terrific photo of a beautiful bird!

  12. Everett Sanborn

    Beautiful Ron. Everything ties in together perfectly. The colors of the owl, the tumbleweeds, and the unusual silvery background all blend into a perfect picture. I don’t think the same photo with a perfect blue sky could top it. And the owl’s eye just grabs your attention immediately.
    Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ

  13. Wonderful photo, love the angle of the owl in its pose, looks very distinguished and serene. That silvery background is mesmerizing! Something about the gradations from light to dark areas and the patterns they make really pulls me. The tumbleweed shows very well. Is that orange-ish colored lichen on the post? Whatever it is, I like the dash of color it gives to subtly punctuate the setting.

  14. I can tell why you are drawn to that image. It is an extremely well done portrait of this “Shorty”.

  15. Agreed…a very classy photo to be sure! The colors are terrific plus the sharpness and far off gaze…😍! There is not a hint of warmth in the colors…I really like that…gives me the feel of a frosty morning! Love it.

    • It might very well have been a frosty morning, Kathy – can’t remember.

      I struggled a little with using “classy” in my title. The way I’ve used it implies that it’s the owl that I think looks classy when it’s really the overall image rather than the bird specifically. I think my title is just a little misleading but I couldn’t think of a better way to put it.

  16. Beautiful and “calm”….. 🙂 All the colors in the own and surroundings fit perfectly as does the owl’s gaze. 🙂 I wouldn’t have noticed the split in the post….. “Tumbleweed” fits even if it is a teeth gritting site for me knowing the kazillion seeds spread everywhere…….. 😉

    • Thanks, Judy. I didn’t notice that split at first either. But when I was working on my sharpening mask I had to decide whether to include that gap in the fencepost in my mask or not and that’s when I noticed it was an actual split.

      I know what you mean about tumbleweeds but they’re an iconic symbol of the west and I often like them in my photos.

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