A Visit From Shannon

For me few things take precedence over birds but a visit from my daughter Shannon is one of them. There’ll be no birds today.


Shannon and her husband Rick are here for the weekend and yesterday was our day to visit, reminisce and just enjoy each other’s company. For the past 3+ years regular readers of Feathered Photography have followed the ups and downs of Shannon’s recovery from a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury) so I thought another update that included a few photos would be both appropriate and appreciated.

Shannon’s recovery has been slow but miraculous, especially considering the fact that her husband and son were told by ER doctors on the night of her accident that she had “zero chance of surviving the night”. After four months in the hospital, several years of therapy and an incredible amount of work she has proved them wrong. Today about the only physical sign of her ordeal is a bumpy skull from her craniotomy and the titanium screws they used to put her back together.

Her cognitive recovery has also been dramatic and essentially complete. She still struggles with some short-term memory loss but most of her old personality has returned and she no longer has speech or vision issues except for a minor loss of some of her peripheral vision.

I have my daughter back – quite a contrast to the fact that I fully expected her to be dead when I got off the plane in Florida the day after I received that truly awful phone call from Rick.



There are two heroes in this story and you’re looking at both of them. Shannon worked her butt off during her long recovery, remaining cheerful, buoyant and optimistic through it all. But without Rick it simply could not have been pulled off. In every imaginable way he was her champion, pulling strings to get her into new and innovative therapies, being her cheerleader and supporting her efforts. Shannon’s mother Mary also played a significant role, staying with them for months after Shannon was released from the hospital when Rick had to return to work.

The relationship that Shannon and Rick have has been key to her recovery. It’s filled with love, respect and humor. There have been minor changes in Shannon’s personality, just enough to be noticeable, and for them both to jokingly refer to the “old Shannon” and “new Shannon” as sisters. Rick likes to tease her by saying “I’ve slept with both you and your sister”.

As her dad I love seeing the support she gets from Rick. They make a wonderful team.





  1. I love the one of them together. He has a very kind face.

  2. Charlotte Norton



  3. Thanks for this update. This a beautiful and inspiring story of family, love and support.

  4. The replies to this post obviously shows you have touched a lot of folks. I count myself among them.

  5. I am thrilled Shannon has done so well. The Angels were with her, plus her determination to survive. Lovely picture of Shannon and her Hubby. He sounds like a great guy..Glad you all had a nice visit!

  6. This visit from Rick and Shannon is medicine for all, you included Ron. Love and support is such good medicine and hugs to you all!

  7. Betty Sturdevant

    Family and friend support are most valuable and I’m happy to read such an uplifting story. Thank you for sharing your family story as well as the birds we all enjoy learning about. Good stories can be rare these days.

  8. Ron, I share the comments of your other readers in that it is just wonderful to hear of Shannon’s remarkable recovery. She is so fortunate to have such great support from family. Thank you for posting this today. It warms my heart.

  9. As a former Special Ed. Teacher, who taught in Childrens’ rehab hosp. for several years, this makes my day!!! Most of the kids I worked with had cancer, injury rehabbing, CP, and TBI…when someone beats the odds, it is a gift to all involved!!! So, so happy for your daughter’s wonderful survival, recovery, humor and spirit, You have all been such a wonderful team, mother, father, husband, son, and Shannon, herself!!! Some “miracles” are the result of a lot of courage, dedication and hard work…

  10. Great outcome, and nice to hear a positive story of supporting couples.

  11. Haven’t visited for awhile, but am certainly glad I did. This post wins the internet for the year!

  12. Reading about Shannon’s truly heroic recovery makes my heart so happy!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for taking the time to share their visit with us. I especially like the shot of Shannon and Rick — needs to be in a frame. 😃

  13. Heart warming update! Thank you.

  14. Kudos to Shannon and the entire “team” of relatives and friends!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. Thanks so much for all your support and kind words everyone. I appreciate them and so do Shannon and Rick.

    Shannon just called after she read this post and as they’re about to leave for the airport. She told me that I “get it” and that meant a lot to me.

  16. Bird photos and stories are great, but this tops them all. Thanks so much for sharing,

  17. So happy to hear about your daughter’s victory over TBI. Congrats to your whole family!

  18. Happy days. I am tickled for you all, Ron.

  19. The power of love! Enjoy every moment together.Thank you for sharing this Ron.

  20. Thanks so much for the update, Ron. I think of Shannon and her family frequently and am delighted to hear that she has recovered so well!

  21. Ron, Thanks for sharing your joy. Diana

  22. This is an incredible story, Ron!!! I am in awe of Shannon’s strength and determination in such a dire situation. I read this with tears in my eyes and laughed out loud when her husband joked that he slept with her sister- love that humor!!! 🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us today, Ron. I am so happy Shannon not only survived but is clearly thriving. So many reasons to be thankful! ☺️

  23. What a wonderful post! I think of and say a prayer for Shannon every time I open one of your emails or go to your blog. Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Thank you for sharing Shannon and Rick’s long journey and all too brief visit with us. There is no better photo than seeing Shannon’s smile.

  24. Hugs to everyone – this is wonderful news!

  25. I just have one word Ron….FANTASTIC!..

  26. Yes, touching, heartwarming, tear-jerking story. She clearly inherited her father’s stick-to-it-ivity!

  27. Wonderful to see Shannon “whole” – that was a truly AWFUL situation – it is amazing that she and her family have been able to pull through! 🙂 Without family support and involvement which many in that situation don’t have I’m sure Shannon wouldn’t be where she is today…….. ENJOY!

  28. What a wonderful post this morning ! It’s so uplifting to hear the story of possibility of recovery through dedicated, faithful love and personal effort …….in a culture which seems
    filled with selfishness and “cut and run” when the going gets truly tough, I’m grateful for your family’s example of just the opposite qualities—thanks for telling !

  29. Very touching, Ron. Nice to see the respect you have for your in-law! Thanks for posting the update.

  30. OMG, Ron!! How wonderful for the 3 of you to have this time together & LOVE seeing the photos!! You obviously raised an amazing Daughter who found the perfect Guy to marry!! I know any time you can spend with the 2 of them is precious so we, who think the world of you, are SO happy for you, Shannon & Rick!! Chat away!! Just one request – would love to see a photo of the 3 of you!! Is Mia available?

  31. A beautiful testimony to what love is and what a ‘vow’ to your life’s partner encompasses. I’m happy for you and your family that you have so much to celebrate! As a parent, it warms our hearts when our children have partners that enrich their lives. We couldn’t ask for more when we let them go. Thank you for sharing.

  32. What a great tribute to them both! ❤️

  33. I’ve often thought of Shannon and hoped she was doing well. I’m so happy to see these beautiful photos and read an update with great news.

  34. Tugs at my heart, Ron. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Wow Ron,what a heart warming story. I have only been a follower for less than a year so I was not fully familiar with your daughter’s story. God bless her and her family and of course her obviously very supportive dad. Her recovery story beats that of any bird photos you could have given us this morning.
    Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ

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