Singing Marsh Wren

Sometimes I think I focus on raptors too much and don’t give the songbirds their due. This little bundle of energy is my attempt at beginning to make amends.


1/2500, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

And few birds have a more legitimate claim to the “songbird” designation than Marsh Wrens. Individual males learn 50-200 song types and as adults during the breeding season they engage in complex countersinging duels almost continually, day and night. However, their reedy, gurgling songs contain few pure musical tones and are not high on aesthetics. John James Audubon described them as sounding like “the grating of a rusty hinge” and most of his contemporaries had similar opinions regarding the appeal of their song.

I photographed this singing wren a year ago this month at Bear River MBR so despite our forecast for more snow tomorrow I’m encouraged by the prospects of seeing and photographing Marsh Wrens singing on territory very soon.

It’s been a long winter and the fat lady has yet to sing.





  1. Wonderful photo, their nest building is amazing to watch and they build several each spring. I saw a lot of rock wrens in St George area but I did not have my camera at the time.

  2. He’s a beautiful bird. He’s definitely singing his heart — and his tush — out! πŸ™‚

    Found some new birds feasting on the insects in the grass during the rain yesterday. Still trying to figure out what they are. They look like LBJs from the back, but are larger than the White Crowned Sparrows and rounder than the Black Phoebes that were joining them in the “smorgbugsbord.” They also had a blush of orangey-red at the cheeks and throat. Any ideas?

    • I dunno, Marty. Purple, House or Cassin’s Finch? Sounds like you need to get a camera and a bird lens… πŸ™‚

      • Looks like they might have been light versions of House Finches. Thanks for saving me $5 grand! πŸ˜‰

        (BTW, I’m singing as much as I can, but the gods of winter don’t seem to be listening. πŸ™‚ )

  3. Great photo! These little birds are so perky and energetic. I hadn’t realized they challenge mocking birds for repertoire.

    I was going to suggest spring can’t be far away. Then I read your text and realized this was from last year. New snow on the ground in Denver too. “Delayed winter” is not my thing.

    • Thanks, Nancy. All this snow is a good thing in many ways but I’m afraid the flip side will be raging wildfires in the west late this summer.

  4. He/she looks as if she’s pushing out that song with her whole body, starting from the very back of it !

  5. Charlotte Norton

    Fantastic shot Ron! They’re hard to catch.

  6. Everett Sanborn

    That’s a beautiful photo Ron. About as perfect as a bird photo can be. “Ain’t over till the fat lady sings”, or as your pal Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

  7. Lovely little one! Their song does make for good entertainment though and listening to the duels is pure joy! They can be a challenge to photograph…bundle of energy describes them perfectly. Thanks for the picture to remind us of what’s ‘coming soon to a marsh near you’! 😍

  8. Arwen Lynch-Poe

    Wrens are one of my favorite birds. I’ve had close encounters with several (one of whom was certain that the mesh drink holder on my patio camp chair was the PERFECT nesting spot.) She was a determined little thing but I finally convinced her that it was an inappropriate spot. My community had many indoor-outdoor cats and she wants to put herself and her babies at nose level? I don’t think so, missy! The tail set just amuses me.

  9. The wren is certainly “having at it”! How they get their tails in that position is beyond me…. almost looks like someone gave him a boot in the butt or a skunk getting ready to do it’s thing…. πŸ˜‰ Appears the Marsh Wrens have as much “attitude” has House wrens…. πŸ™‚ Fun reminder that spring will happen “sometime” πŸ˜‰

    • “almost looks like someone gave him a boot in the butt or a skunk getting ready to do it’s thing….”

      I like both of your analogies, Judy – they’re perfect. Yes, their middle name is “attitude”.

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