A New Beginning – Ferruginous Hawk Chicks

It’s only January 1 and I’m already becoming weary of snow, cold, bleak landscapes and the dirty air of winter inversions.  So I choose to welcome the New Year with a touch of Spring – Ferruginous Hawk chicks on the nest.


ferruginous hawk 6360 ron dudley

 1/2000, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon 7D, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, photo taken in vehicle from road, nest and occupants not disturbed

I photographed these youngsters in early June this past year and I thought their apparent naïve optimism of youth and confident look were appropriate to ring in the New Year (besides, I needed a visual jolt of Spring).

May all of my readers have a happy, healthy and harmonious 2014!  I hope it’s filled with the joy of birds and the natural world.  Happy New Year!



  1. A lovely “fresh” photo to start the new year. I hope you have a very happy and bird filled one!

  2. Babies are always a new beginning. Thanks Ron and Happy New year!

  3. Naïve optimism of youth! Harumph! Great pic… as always…

  4. Happy New Year Ron and thanks for the Springy images. I have never seen the Ferruginous Hawk chicks before and it does give the
    pick me up you suggested. I hope these babies have grown and survived so far but who knows right?

  5. Charlotte Norton

    Sensational shot and don’t we all need a visual JOLT OF sPRING!

  6. deborah donelson

    Thank you Ron, for such a beautiful and hopeful image to begin the New Year. May they and all birds and wildlife find protection and respect, starting today.

  7. I adore their fuzzy widdle heads!!!! Great image, Ron!!! Happy New Year to you as well!!!

  8. Stunning. Beautiful. Magical. As your images so very often are.
    Happy New Year. And thank you, so very much for the joy, the beauty and the education you give me.

  9. Jorge Horácio Oliveira

    Happy New Year Ron,
    Keep on going with your blog it’s so great,full of information and inspirer.
    Wish you all the best,

  10. What a delightful start to the new year! We aren’t dealing with snow or even that much cold, but seeing those beautiful chick in warmer weather is still a very welcome sight. Happy New Year to you and Mia, and to all your readers.

  11. An admitted addict to your blog, my first act of 2014 was to open your blog…What a nice way to start the new year! Those babies are actually pretty, unlike many baby raptors. Thanks! May 2014 be a good,healthy, better one for all…two legged, four legged, those who swim, those who crawl and those who fly. Mitakuye oyasin…

  12. Delighted to find these exquisite chicks ringing in the new year! Thanks for these heart-opening photos as well as for all the information you’ve been providing us with the past few days about bald eagles, etc.

    May the life force invigorate our dreams and help us cherish and advocate for our feathered friends!

    Happy New Year to you, Ron, your loved ones and to fellow viewers, too.

  13. Ron, thanks for reminding me that spring and nesting birds will come again. Of course I realize the BAEAs are already busy. And again thanks for all you do.

  14. Hi Ron,
    Started off the New Year my favorite way, checking out your blog for beautiful pics and information. Thank you for supplying these great images and the knowledge as well….
    Hope you have another fantastic year and keep the pics coming … 🙂
    Happy New Year to all !

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