Odd Behavior In A Young Male Northern Harrier

It’s likely that I’m more interested in bird behaviors than some of my readers –  if so I hope you’ll bear with me through this post.   Even though the light was terrible for photography much of the time, witnessing this odd behavior was a treat for me.  As most folks who try to photograph harriers know, they’re generally an elusive quarry and difficult to get close to.  Occasionally you may get a close fly-by if you’re lucky but yesterday I had an experience with a harrier that I had never seen before and I’ve spent a lot of time around harriers.  Mia and I first found the bird (a young male just transitioning to adult plumage) perched close to the road and as we attempted to get close for some shots it lifted off, just as we expected.  I assumed it was long gone as usually happens with these birds but that’s not how it turned out.   1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc As we were preparing to drive further down the road we noticed the harrier coming back and it landed quite close to us again.  Very unusual, so we decided to hang around and see how the cards played out.       1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc   The harrier began to call.  Sometimes it sounded like the typical harrier call that I’ve heard so many times in the past but occasionally this bird sounded different – Mia thought it sounded almost like a parrot.         1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc  It stayed on the same…

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