Eastern Kingbirds

It’s snowing hard as I write this and it’s been overcast and gloomy for days which has turned my thoughts to spring birds.  Eastern Kingbirds are a prime example as they winter in the Amazon so seeing them around here is a sure sign of springtime. They’re a fascinating species.  Kingbirds are notorious for their aggressive nature toward other birds and their scientific name Tyrannus tyrannus  very appropriately means “tyrant, despot or king”.  During the breeding season they’re a “sit and wait predator”, largely of flying insects though they eat mostly fruit while on their winter range.  They have never been observed to drink water – apparently getting enough of it in their insect and fruit diet.  They virtually never walk anywhere!  Most locomotion is by flight and when on the ground they either hop to a new location or take short flights but they don’t walk.  The only time walking has ever been observed is during nest site selection.        1/1000, f/9, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc The kingbird in the first four photos of this post was the most cooperative specimen of the species I’ve ever photographed.   It let me get close while on a natural perch (as opposed to the fence wires they so often prefer) and it gave me a variety of interesting calling, preening and stretching poses for almost five minutes.       1/2000, f/9, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc As the bird moved to my left on the perch it (the perch) developed a different character due to the curving twig coming off the main branch.   Here the kingbird is beginning an elaborate…

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