A Howl of a Surprise

When you’re out in the field you just never know what you might see.  Or hear.  On an early morning this week I found this Male Northern Harrier on a trail sign.  Since the perch was not a natural one I set up to try to get a take-off shot if he should lift off.     1/1600, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc As usual I was shooting from my pickup and in order to get in position for good light I had to park in the middle of the lightly used road.  In such cases I always roll down the window on the passenger side so that I can hear any vehicle that might approach so I can get out of their way (it’s very easy to not see an approaching vehicle while concentrating on a bird through the camera’s viewfinder).  Having that window down made a big difference to how I reacted to what happened next.      1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc Suddenly there was a piercing howl that was so loud it sounded like it was coming from inside my truck!  Seriously, I almost jumped out of my skin it startled me so much.  It was this coyote, hidden in the grasses.  It was only about 75′ away from me and with three of the four windows down the clamor was tremendous.  Coyotes often howl as loudly as 105 decibels and believe me that’s a very impressive din at this close range – especially when it’s unexpected.  At first I could only see the…

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