Another Positive Development Regarding Lost Falconry Birds

Just a quick post this morning to announce some more good news on the “lost falconry bird” front.  (no, the female kestrel hasn’t yet been recaptured, but I believe efforts are continuing). For those new to this issue, a quick summary:  Occasionally, falconry birds escape through no fault of the handler.  When they do, they typically still have falconry gear attached – jesses, anklets, telemetry gear etc.  Every effort is made by the falconry community to recapture these birds, usually with success.  The larger segment of the problem comes from unethical “rogue” or “wannabe” falconers who capture wild birds illegally and then try to fly them without proper knowledge and experience.   Due to negligence or inexperience these illegal birds sometimes escape with their “gear” attached, which puts them at a distinct disadvantage in the wild.  My good friend and constant photography companion Mia McPherson and I have come across and photographed three of these escaped birds in the last three years.  At least two of the three were most likely the result of rogue falconers rather than the organized falconry community.  More details of what has already transpired can be found here. When someone spots one of these escaped birds in the wild, getting through to the “right” person for reporting and appropriate action is cumbersome, time-consuming and frustrating (believe me, I know!).  It’s difficult to get through all the layers of DWR’s bureaucracy, finding a rehabber who can help isn’t easy and there hasn’t been an efficient avenue for a non-falconer to report a found bird to the falconry community.  The North America Falconer’s Association (NAFA) website…

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Good News Regarding The Escaped Peregrine Falcon and American Kestrel

Recently I’ve photographed and posted about two escaped falconry birds – a female American Kestrel and a Peregrine Falcon.  Both were flying free with attached jesses and/or anklets in the vicinity of Antelope Island.  Both were reported to wildlife authorities and to the falconry community but each bird has been a challenge to recapture for a variety of reasons – among them the difficulty of getting proper permission for the licensed trapper to attempt the recapture of the kestrel in a state park.  There were lots of hoops to jump through. It is very likely, for a variety of reasons, that both of these birds were originally captured illegally by “wannabe” falconers and not by anyone in the organized and licensed falconry community. Two days after we found the kestrel we met the licensed trapper out on the island to point out the area where the bird was hanging out and to try to find her, which we never did.   But yesterday morning we spotted the female Kestrel once again, in the very same area where we found her before.  She was far off but when she scratched her face one of the jesses became obvious, as you can see in this photo.  I immediately called the trapper to report that the bird was in the area again and she was enthusiastic about making the attempt but as far as she knew, permissions from the state still hadn’t been obtained. A little background before I get to the good news.  When Mark Runnels (master falconer from Oklahoma) saw my first post on the female kestrel,…

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Yet Another Escaped Falconry Bird – This Time A Female American Kestrel

Yesterday morning I spotted this female American Kestrel perched on a far-off rock to the west on Antelope Island.  She was much too far away for decent photographs (as is obvious from the mediocre quality of these first five photos) but when I see raptors at most any distance it’s my practice to “scope them out” through my lens so I can ID them and look for anything unusual or interesting.   I took a couple of shots for documentary purposes but at first I didn’t notice anything noteworthy about her except for the keratin flaking off of her beak.     But then she scratched her face with her foot.  Jesses!  Those damned jesses again.   In this shot you can see anklets above both feet and the jess on the left leg.     She perched and preened on the rock for quite a while and a few minutes later she scratched with her other foot which provided a good look at the jess on the right ankle.     I’m including this shot for a look at her right side, in the unlikely event that some local falconer may recognize her.     I hung around for a long time in the hopes of catching her at take-off for a better look at both jesses and anklets.  As luck would have it, when it happened they were both in shade and I lost focus on the bird but the photo still provides a decent look at the jesses.   I’m deeply troubled by this event and I’ll provide a little background as…

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Male American Kestrel In Flight

Until yesterday, I’ve been largely stymied in my efforts got get good quality images of American Kestrels in flight.  This has been especially frustrating because kestrels are the most numerous and widespread falcon in North America and they’re very common in my photography stomping grounds.  I have many high quality images of them perched, but in-flight has been a different story. Because these falcons are small and their flight is swift and erratic, the photographer’s best chance is to catch them hovering.  But they always hover facing into the wind and it seems like every time I’ve had that opportunity with them the sun has been behind them.  Or they’re facing away from me.  Or I can’t get a catch light in the eye.  Or they’re too far away.  Or they stop hovering and fly further away just as I get the pickup stopped and my lens up.  Or…  ad infinitum.    1/2000, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in But yesterday morning, this male forgot just how much fun it is to aggravate me and gave me some opportunities in good light.   He would hover for a few seconds, then move on to another nearby location and hover some more. It’s fascinating to watch them hover up close through the lens.  The wings alternate between gliding and flapping and the tail is constantly adjusting to every minor variation in the breeze but the position of the head seems to be absolutely fixed in space as it scans below, looking for prey.  A…

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American Kestrel In Flight

Anyone who follows my blog knows that I love to photograph raptors and flight shots are perhaps my favorite genre.  But I’ve found getting acceptable flight shots of the American Kestrel to be nigh on to impossible (unless they’re hovering).  The smaller the bird, the more difficult it is to get in flight, for a variety of reasons, and kestrels are perhaps our smallest raptor. The best chance is to catch them just after take-off.  Most raptors give some indication of imminent take-off (body posture, defecation etc) so you often know when it’s coming, but kestrels generally don’t.  They launch so incredibly fast, and in unpredictable directions, that luck will always play a large role in getting the shot.  Then, throw into the mix the fact that their speed requires very high shutter speeds and the result is a very formidable photographic quarry.   1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in Two days ago I was able to get this shot of a female kestrel taking off from a metal post.  I like the wing position, light and especially the acrobatic position of the legs and feet.  I had the shutter speed to get the bird sharp but f/5.6 didn’t give me enough depth of field to prevent blur in the right wing. But I think a little wing blur in a shot like this still works pretty well. Ron

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American Kestrel Eating “Grit”

I don’t have any beautiful photos today but I do have some interesting behavior. Yesterday morning, I came across this female American Kestrel sitting in the middle of a large, isolated, gravel parking lot/camping area on Antelope Island.  I thought it was an unusual resting place for a kestrel and as I approached her in my pickup I was even more intrigued when she didn’t immediately fly off, as this species typically does.   She repeatedly took a couple of wingbeats and flew a few feet, but never far.  She was, for some reason, reluctant to leave and at first I couldn’t figure out why.     I was eventually able to work my way close enough to her to see that she was swallowing small stones from the gravel parking lot.     This was a behavior that I’d never seen before in a raptor, though I’ve often seen it in other birds.  As a biologist, I’m aware of the general function of the gizzard in birds – that seed eating birds swallow “grit” to act as teeth (birds have no true teeth, presumably a weight saving adaptation for flight) within the grinding gizzard so they can physically break down their hard food and prepare it for chemical digestion.  And it had been my understanding that raptors don’t consume grit because they don’t eat seeds.  The flesh they consume is easily digested and doesn’t need to be physically broken down first. So why is this little falcon swallowing small stones?  I decided to ask Mark Runnels, an extremely knowledgeable master falconer from Oklahoma and…

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Falconry – A Detriment To The Birds?

As some of you will remember, I’ve recently made two posts calling into question some of the ethics of the “sport” (some don’t like that term) of falconry.   This was the bird that prompted my most recent post – an “escaped” female Peregrine Falcon that I photographed along the Antelope Island causeway a few weeks ago.  You’ll notice that she still has her leather falconry anklets above her feet (only one can be seen in this photo).     And last year, this escaped male American Kestrel was loose near Farmington Bay WMA and it still had not only its anklets but its jesses.  The extreme danger to the bird of having those long, dangling jesses engangle and kill the kestrel is obvious. In both posts I questioned the ethics of falconry in general, but admitting my relative ignorance of the subject I asked (on the second post) for more information from my readers to “enlighten” me on the subject. For those who haven’t seen those posts and have the interest, here’s the links: Escaped Falconry Bird – Peregrine Falcon Escaped Falconry Bird – Peregrine Falcon, Again   Mark Runnels, a master falconer from Oklahoma, responded to the second post with a series of very detailed, knowledgeable and thoughtful comments on falconry – responding to each of my concerns dispassionately and eloquently. However, that post was made on September 17 and Mark didn’t begin to comment until October 23, which means that his valuable information likely went under the radar for most of my readers (very few folks come back to a…

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The Challenges Of Photographing Falcons On Antelope Island

There are three species of Falcons that reside on Antelope Island through much of the year – the American Kestrel, Prairie Falcon and Peregrine Falcon.  A fourth, the Merlin, is mostly a winter resident.  For many of us there’s something almost mystical about falcons and most bird photographers I know ache to get quality shots of them.  But doing so isn’t easy anywhere and Antelope Island is no exception. In my experience there are three reasons why falcons on the island are so difficult to photograph well: The falcons are there but, with the exception of the kestrel, they’re difficult to find.  For most of the year Peregrines and Prairies hang out in the remotest parts of the island that are inaccessible to us due to park rules and difficulties of negotiating such steep terrain.  However, all three species hunt the causeway during winter so that’s the best chance for the photographer. Generally you just can’t get close to them.  Kestrels are notorious for that trait, probably because they’re so common that lots of folks try with them.  But common certainly doesn’t mean approachable.  It’s not unusual to see a Peregrine perched far out on the mud flats but there’s no way to get close and if you tried they’d fly off.   Prairie Falcons can often be spotted high up on the rocks around the central part of the island but they’re invariably much too far away and seldom perch near the road. Peregrines and Prairies are much easier to approach in very low light, especially just before sunup.  But low light makes for crappy images. I’ve…

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Getting Close To The American Kestrel

One of the first lessons bird photographers learn (often to their great frustration) is that you must get close to your subject in order to get good detail.  Very close.  Even if you’re shooting with a long, expensive lens.  And getting close usually ain’t easy!  Large crops rob detail.  I’m of the opinion that cropping away any more than about 50% of the image generally does unacceptable damage to image quality. Some species are relatively easy to approach – around here American Robins,  Mourning Doves and House Finches come to mind.  Other species have a reputation of being particularly skittish and at the top of that list for many photographers is the American Kestrel – a strikingly beautiful little falcon that is found throughout most of North America. For many years I’ve posted bird images on an internet avian critique forum and whenever I’d post a shot of a kestrel I’d invariably get comments that went something like this: “How in the world did you ever get this close to a kestrel?  I always see them perched up high on poles or wires and whenever I even begin to get close they fly away”. Well, here’s the secret – photograph them when it’s cold.  Very cold!  That means in the depths of winter.  It also means in the early mornings on those days when it’s coldest of all.  I’ve found that many species of birds are more reluctant to fly in the cold but that tendency seems to be magnified with the kestrel.  I’m not sure why but as a photographer I’m more than happy to…

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Escaped Falconry Bird – Peregrine Falcon

Early this morning, just as the sun was coming up over the Wasatch Mountains, we came across this adult Peregrine Falcon, with prey,  along the causeway to Antelope Island State Park.  It is apparently another escaped falconry bird as it had obvious falconry anklets above its feet, though the actual jesses had been removed.   1/500, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc This first image was taken where we first found it – along the edge of the causeway and next to the Great Salt Lake shoreline.  A few seconds after this shot was taken the bird took off.      1/800, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc  But seven minutes later, as we proceeded along the causeway, we found the bird perched on this highway post.      1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc This shot was taken as the falcon took off from the post.  You’ll notice that the leather falconry anklets, sans jesses, are apparent in each of the above three images.      1/2000, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc And the last time we saw the bird it had landed far away on the large boulders lining the east side of the Antelope Island Marina. We’ve reported this sighting to the Utah Division of Natural Resources and they’ve told us that they will follow up on it. I’ve always admired the sport of falconry on several levels.  Falconers generally have a deep devotion and personal attachment to their birds that I respect and they and their organizations have done a lot for raptor conservation…

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American Kestrel Eating A Vole (graphic)

A couple of months ago I came across this female American Kestrel along the causeway to Antelope Island.  She had captured a vole and was in the process of eating it while perched on a road sign.  The images I’ve presented here aren’t pretty and won’t appeal to everyone but as I’ve said many times before I’m fascinated by behaviors.   1//1600, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc She had already decapitated the vole and was in the process of disemboweling it when I found her.  Kestrels routinely discard the intestines and she had previously removed the small intestine (portions of which can be seen near the underside of the tail).   Here she is dropping the coiled mass of the large intestine.  As she attempted to eat the vole the large intestine was right in front of her on the perch and she apparently found its presence right under her face as she dined to be offensive and distracting so she repeatedly tried to drop it over the edge of the sign to get rid of it.  Three times she picked it up and dropped it but each time it landed on the edge of the wooden post without going over the edge.      1//1600, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 t  Finally, on the third attempt, she succeeded in dropping it over the edge, but just barely.      1//2500, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 t  Now with her dining table cleaned up she was able to attend to the rest of her meal.  There…

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Just A Shot That I Like… #20 – American Kestrel With Moxie

I hope you’ll bear with me but for this post I decided to go whimsical.  This image isn’t particularly strong technically but it always brings a smile to my face and I thought others might enjoy it.      1/1250, f/10, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc   This plastic owl sits atop a weather station transmitter at Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area.  The obvious purpose of the owl is to scare birds away from the transmitter.  You can see how well it works with kestrels. American Kestrels are just about the only species of bird that I’ve seen dare to perch on top of this phony Great Horned Owl.  I’ve always admired these courageous little falcons for their pluck and wondered, only slightly in jest, if they might have a bit of a Napoleon complex.   Truly a bird with cojones – both sexes. Ron

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American Kestrels In Snow, Frost And Fog

Photographing American Kestrels near the Great Salt Lake during the coldest parts of winter is a two-edged sword.  On the one hand the frigid temperatures in December and January make the kestrels “stickier” – much less likely to fly off before you can get close enough for quality photos.  But there’s a down side too.  Moisture from the lake often forms fog or at least makes the air so incredibly laden with moisture that good lighting often becomes an issue.  I’ll still take the shot under some of those conditions though – a close-up with the bird large enough to very nearly fill the frame is still usually much more desirable than a well-lit bird so small in the frame that little detail can be seen.   2000, f/7.1, ISO 400, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc In this image the background is snow and there had been a blizzard the day before which had stacked snow up on one side of the perch.  This was one of the first times I’d ever been close enough to a kestrel to get a frame-filling image and I well remember having a case of “buck fever” while photographing him at such close range.  Also a bit unusual was the fact that I was actually looking slightly down at him – something that doesn’t happen often with kestrels.       1600, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc This shot illustrates well what you get when the atmosphere is so laden with moisture when it’s very cold – fog, low but even light, some reduction in detail and sometimes…

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American Kestrel Preening on a Rabbitbrush Perch

American Kestrels are pugnacious and skittish little falcons that are usually difficult to approach.  But last week I found a cooperative male warming himself in the early morning sun while perched on rabbitbrush.   Though feisty by nature this kestrel looked almost cuddly while all puffed up against the cold and nestled into the bush.     1/2000, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc I first approached him head-on which gave me some images where bird and perch combined to produce a pyramid shape that I liked.        1/3200, f/6.3, ISO 400, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc But then I maneuvered to get a different angle so that at least part of the tail would be visible.  In these early shots my camera settings were meant to give me enough shutter speed for the take-off that I fully expected.        1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 250, 500 f/4  But when he began to groom contentedly I started fiddling with my settings to get shutter speeds and depth of field more appropriate for the situation.  Here he is passing one of his tail feathers through his bill in typical preening behavior.       1/1600, f/8, ISO 250, 500 f/4   He gave me a variety of preening poses that I liked.      1/1250, f/8, ISO 250, 500 f/4   Some of the neck feathers are difficult to reach so they go through some strange contortions in an effort to get to them.      1/1600, f/8, ISO 320, 500 f/4   Here the eye was half closed but I was still able to get a catch light. …

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Lamenting the Loss of a Favorite Perch

This was a perch I had a love-hate relationship with for almost four years.  It was a small, very old and sun-bleached snag along the road down unit 1 at Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area.  I loved it because American Kestrels liked to use it as a hunting perch, it was close to the road, not too high and it was natural and photogenic.  I hated it because it was on the east side of the road (I could only shoot from the road in my vehicle – open the door and the kestrel skedaddles) which meant that I was usually shooting into the sun in the morning which is my favorite time to photograph birds.  Back-lit kestrels are generally not a pretty sight… That road down unit 1 is closed for the nesting season (March through September) and I was very disappointed to see on my first trip down the road this fall that the snag was gone.  It may have fallen down on its own, been removed by refuge managers (which I doubt) or perhaps it was vandalized – I just don’t know.  But I will miss it, as will the kestrels I’m sure.  Avian photographers on this continent are well aware of how difficult this species is to get close to – they’re very skittish and almost never allow a close approach for photography.  That changes in mid-winter when it’s very cold.  They simply are much more reluctant to fly when it’s that frigid and the photographer can occasionally get quite close to them, especially when shooting from a vehicle.   But most nature photographers…

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